This Section is designated for the exclusive use of patients of Dr Smith MD. If you do not see an item you need in this section please give us a call or ask for it in the customer comment section at checkout.

 Bone Builder Forte  180 Caps
 Target gb-X™ 30 sachets   Klaire Labs
5 MTHF ES 60 caps
5-HTP CR 60 Tablets Controlled-Release 5-Hydroxytryptophan Formula
5-MTHF 60 Capsules
5-MTHF Plus B12  60 Lozenges
Acetyl-l-Carnitine 250 mg 60 caps
Acetyl-l-Carnitine 500 mg 60 caps
Adrenal Essence 120 caps
Adrenal Response Complete Care 90 tabs
AnxiaEase 120 Capsules
Arctic Fresh 650 120softgels-  (Monopure)
Ashwaganda 120 caps
ATP Fuel  150 caps
B Activ 180 Capsules
B Activ® 90 Capsules
Berberine 60 caps- 1000 mg Thorne (Formally Berberine-500)
Best Rest Formula 120 Caps
Bio C 1:1™ 90 Capsules Featuring Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids
BodyBio PC 3000 mg 8 oz
BrainSustain™ Creamy Chocolate 10 Servings
BrainSustain™ Vanilla Delight 10 Servings
Buffered Ascorbic Acid 90's
Chaste tree (Vitex) 120 vcaps
CheleX™ 120 Capsules Support Against Oxidative Elements*
Citicoline Cognizin 250 mg 60 vegcaps
Copper (citrate) 60 caps
CoQmax™ Ubiquinol 60 Softgels Bioactive Antioxidant Support*
Cortisolv® 60 Capsules Natural Stress Buster*
Curaphen 120 caps
CurcumaSorb 180 Caps
Curcumin Extract 700 mg 60 Caps
D3 5000 180 Softgels Convenient Supra-Dose Vitamin D3
Dr Ohhira's Probiotic Plus Proffesional Formula 30 caps
Dr Ohhira's Probiotics Professional Formula 60 caps
Estrovera 90 tabs
Evening Primrose Oil 180 caps
Evening Primrose Oil 90 caps
Flora 50-14 Clinical Strength 60 vegcaps
Flora Max 100 Billion DF 30 caps probiomax
FloraMax Daily DF 30 Billion 30 Vegetable Caps
Folate 1000 90 caps  (5 MTHF)
GastrAcid™ 180 Capsules Digestive-Support Formula*
GlutAloeMine® 30 Servings Enhanced Gastrointestinal Support
Glycine Powder  Vital Nutrients 250 grams
Hemp - PN 60 caps CBD Synergy
HistDAO™ 60 Capsules Supports Healthy Degradation of Food-Derived Histamine*
HLC Intensive Capsules 30 vegcaps
Holy Basil 4 oz
Inositol powder 250 gm
Iron Response 90 Caps
K2-D3 5000 120 Capsules Bioavailable Vitamins K2 (as MK-7) and D3*
K2-D3 5000 60 Capsules Bioavailable Vitamins K2 (as MK-7) and D3*
Klaire Labs Ther-Biotic® Synbiotic 50 Billion CFU Shelf Stable 30 caps
Klaire Labs Vital-Zymes Complete 120 caps
L-Arginine 700 mg 90 vcaps
L-Tyrosine 90 caps Pure
Lavela WS 1265 60 softgels
Lemon Balm 4 oz
Liposomal Glutathione with Lemon-Mist 1.7 oz
Liposomal Melatonin 1 mg
Liposomal Melatonin Spray 1 oz
Lithium (orotate) 20 mg 90 vcaps
Lithium (orotate) 5 mg 90 caps
Lithium Orotate 5 mg  180 caps
Liver Protect™ 120 Capsules Hepatic Support Formula*
Maca 3 120 caps
Magnesium (citrate) 180 caps
Magnesium (glycinate) 180 caps
Mega Sporebiotic
Melatonin 1 mg 60 capsules
Men's Nutrients 180 caps
Methyl Protect® 120 Capsules Optimal Methylation Support Formula*
Methyl Protect® 60 Capsules Optimal Methylation Support Formula*
Methylcobalamin 120 Tablets Methyl B12
Methylcobalamin 60 Tablets Methyl B12
MethylGuard 180 vegcaps
MethylGuard Plus 90 vegcaps
Mito NRG 60 vegcaps
Mood Statis 30 caps
NAC (N-Acetyl-l-Cysteine) 900 mg 120 caps
NAC 120 Capsules Supports Antioxidant and Detoxification Activity*
Natural D-Hist 120 caps
NeuroActives™ BrainSustain™ 240 Capsules Comprehensive Brain Support Formula*
Niacinamide 180 caps
O.N.E.  Multivitamin 120 caps
O.N.E. Multivitamin 60 caps
Omega MonoPure® 1300 EC 60 Softgels 3X Greater Absorption*
OptiFerin-C 60 Caps
OptiMag® Neuro Lemon-Lime 60 Servings Patented Magnesium for the Brain*
Optimized Saffron 60 vcaps
OSAplex MK-7™ 60 Packets Supports Overall Bone Health and Strength†
OSAplex™ 60 Packets
Panxyme PH 180 caps
Pharmanac 24 tabs
Phosphatidylserine 300 mg 90 caps
Phosphatidylserine Soy-Free 60 softgels 100 mg  Intergrative
Pregnenolone 30 ml
Prenatal Cmt.  30 servings
Prenatal Essentials 150 Capsules
ProBio  50  30 caps
Probioplex Intensive Care 180 tabs
PS 100 (phosphatidylserine) 60 caps
PureGenomics Multivitamin 60 caps
Rhodiola Rosea 180 caps
S-Acetyl Glutathione 60 Capsules Supports Natural Antioxidant Activity*
Sam-e 200 200mg 60 tabs
SAM-e 30 Capsules THE Methyl Donor*
SAM-e 400mg 30 tabs Jarrow
SAM-e 400mg 60 tabs
SAMe 200mg 20 tabs
Selenium (selanomethionine) 180 caps
Seriphos 100 caps
Special TAS
SPM Active 120 softgels  Metagenics
St John's Wort  90 Tablets
Theanine 90 vegcaps
Ther-Biotic Complete  120 caps
Ther-Biotic Factor 1 (Lactobacillus rhamnosus) Probiotic
Ther-Biotic Womens Formula   60 caps
ThyroCalm Px 120 VegiCaps Restorative Formulations
Thyroid PX 75 Caps
Thyroid Support Complex 60 caps
Thyroid Support Complex `120 caps
Tru Ada P 120 caps
Tru Cumin 95 120 caps
VeggiePro Lite Sugar and Stevia Free 14 Servings
Vitamin D Syn 2000 240 caps
Wellness Essentials Women  30 pckts
ZenBiome Cope 60 caps
Zinc 30 180's

Professional Recommendations:
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